Monday, January 31, 2005

My Baby Isn't A Baby Anymore

Today, my son turned 2 years old. Honestly it feels like he's been here for more like 5 years. I love him more than I ever thought I could love someone who caused me so much physical pain!!! Ha!! He was and is well worth every second I spent writhing in pain. He is not only brilliant, but full of life and love. That's what I like the most. That already this being that I created not that long ago is capable of love. It's amazing. My parents came up today. Geof really loves his Gram & Pop. We opened presents and ate cake and ice cream then they headed back down the mountain. We put Geof down for a nap that he never took. He got up and played some more and finished out the evening eating his favorite dinner. Lasagne. He was so tired that he fell asleep while eating. He did manage to eat every bit he was given, however. We got him cleaned up and ready for bed and he spent the next 2 hours singing and talking to his toys. As I type he is sound asleep wearing his new pjs and clutching his new Thomas The Tank Engine figurine. I think it was a pretty successful 2nd birthday!!

{update on the previous post "Preggers?"...still too early for a pregnancy test. I can't help now but be excited although I know this really isn't a good time for another baby. I feel pregnant physical "syptoms" of pregnancy, but I just feel different. Who knows.}

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


So, my husband's pistol shot quicker than he had anticipated Sunday night. As luck would have it, I'm at my most fertile time in my cycle. I went to the health department yesterday to do the "Morning After" crisis prevention stuff. Basically I got a regular old pack of birth control pills but instead of taking one a day for a month I take 4 pills twelve hours apart for 2 days. I took the first 4 last night and the last 4 this morning. I've been nauseous all morning. Now I just have to wait until I bleed. I don't like to wait. If a pregnancy has already begun, the pills will not interrupt it...they only prevent a fertilized egg from implanting, or they prevent the egg and sperm from getting together...I can't remember which. On one hand I'm hoping that I don't get pregnant. On the other, I do want another child. We were totally caught off guard for the first one and everything has turned out perfectly fine. I think for the purpose of retaining some sanity for all parties involved, I'm going to pray for a negative on the pregnancy test. Cross your fingers...