Quit Smoking In Less Than 24 Hours!!.....{only semi-painless}
I have seen the light. I hold the key to quitting smoking. Go to your local gas station or where ever you purchase your smokes and ask specifically for the cheapest brand they have. Plop down your money and walk away satisfied that you'll never smoke again. Why? because cheap ass cigarettes taste exactly like that....ass!!! Ugh!!! I did this little exercise yesterday and walked out with 2 packs of some off brand of cigarettes called "Poker". Holy fucking shit!!! They smell like burning drunk guy piss when lit, and taste like nicotine gum. My intention was to save money. I dread going out for a quick smoke now and I'm only half way through one pack. Usually I smoke a pack a day and I smoke each cigarette down to the filter. Half of these shit brand cigarettes I've only smoked until about a half inch before the filter. I broke down and bought a pack of Marlboro 25s this afternoon. But I'm making myself smoke the Pokers (that is such a lame name) every other ciggy break with Marlboro in between. On the package it says that it's a product of Columbia. I'm hoping I might find some coke mixed in with all the piss-soaked twigs and grass clippings...something to make this suffering worth it!!